Panji Nandiasa
Jan 27, 2021


Side Hustle Culture is Killing Us. But..

I am aware about it. Side hustle is killing us and it doesn’t educate people that they deserve to get paid well and need to value other people accordingly.

But I experience things, where the gates seemed to open, but opportunities are not all up on us. I don’t wanna be depdendent to certain circle, thus could possibly hold me to have critical thinking.

And I dont want to make living, fully by being gatekeeper at any level. I need to do other thing. Because I’ve seen many people limiting others since gatekeeping is the only thing the could do.



Panji Nandiasa

Tulisan-tulisan impulsif dan reaktif. Catatan menjadi, dan pengingat tidak ingin jadi apa. Dapat didukung pada halaman